The Astrology of LOST
Arwynne O'Neill Arwynne O'Neill

The Astrology of LOST

The classic TV series LOST premiered 20 years ago, in 2004. This week, we're doing a deep dive into the speculative astrology behind some of the most beloved (and in some cases, reviled) characters in television history.

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Annie Jacobsen: The Devil is in the Details
Arwynne O'Neill Arwynne O'Neill

Annie Jacobsen: The Devil is in the Details

One of my favorite authors is Annie Jacobsen. For anyone who doesn't know her work, she's an American investigative journalist and author as well as a 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist and television writer. She was recently interviewed by Joe Rogan about her latest book, Nuclear War: A Scenario. She was previously interviewed on his show in 2019 about her other books, and she has also appeared on the Lex Fridman podcast as well as many others.

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Politics and propaganda
Arwynne O'Neill Arwynne O'Neill

Politics and propaganda

I've gone through a couple of extreme phases of caring and not caring about politics and the state of the world. I was raised by idealistic hippies, one of whom fled the United States during the Vietnam war to protest the draft and as a result I was born in Canada but raised partially in the United States.

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Books, part 2: the Power of Personality
Arwynne O'Neill Arwynne O'Neill

Books, part 2: the Power of Personality

Although most of the books I read these days are audiobooks, certain types of information are just better consumed visually; obviously graphic novels and art books, but also astrology. My collection of astrology books dates back to the first one I ever bought at the age of 12, which was Linda Goodman's Love Signs.

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